Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kung Fu Bubbles



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Family Tradition

Years ago one holiday morning after stuffing our faces with Pancakes and Eggs my mother gets the bright idea to pitch a pancake at my father since that day my family has had a ongoing tradition of Easter Morning Pancake Fights.  All though we have grown and begun lives of our own every Easter morning we gather together for breakfast and a fight.  
The Cakes
The Wait
Ding Ding 
It has begun 
That's for all the groundings
Get Mom
Mom gets you
What's he doing back there?
Always with the pants
He had it coming 
True sibling love
Ha Ha payback 
 The money shot                                                                                           
You didn't clean your plate here let me help you.
Again with the pants!
This is what I get for putting the camera down.
The Family